Customer Testimonials

These are just some of our customer testimonials

Michelle Lawrie

Lovely, family run business. We had a new kitchen fitted and are very happy with the finished result. Andy was very thorough throughout the entire process, and the other professionals he brought in to assist with electrics and plastering were of an impressively high standard. I highly recommend.

Ricardo Griffen

I recently used Residential Renovations Ltd. for a complete house renovation. I am very impressed with every part of the service I received from quote to completion.
The team did an amazing job of totally transforming my house. My kitchen & bathroom in particular are finished to a very high standard.


Beautiful new bathroom, bedrooms and kitchen. Professional approachable and helpful. Great company, excellent service.

Stephen Grimes

First-class professional job, versatile,  reasonably priced, highly recommend

Pete B

Recently used this company for fitting kitchen, bathroom, and some exterior works. I found them to be efficient in all areas of work, kept me informed & updated of any issues, kept very good start time. Very pleased with the overall quality of the work, would certainly recommend others to get them round to quote for any work that they need/were thinking of getting done. Competitively priced as well.




Did a great job replacing our kitchen and bathroom. Incredibly helpful and kind, a pleasure to have around

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